snnusdk.message 源代码

Created on Dec 29, 2018

@author: QiZhao
import re

import requests

from snnusdk.configs import SPIDER_CONFIG
from snnusdk.exceptions import DepartmentNotSupportedError

class BaseMessage(object):
    def __init__(self, dep):
        self.dep = dep = []

[文档]class Notice(BaseMessage): """ 校园通知 :param str dep: 部门名称 :raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.DepartmentNotSupportedError` >>> n = Notice(dep='计算机科学学院') """ def __init__(self, dep): super().__init__(dep)
[文档] def get_count(self): """通知条数 :rtype: int :return: 通知的条数 >>> n.get_count() 14 """ return len(
[文档] def get_notice(self): """通知的关键信息(标题,时间,链接) :raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.DepartmentNotSupportedError` :rtype: list of dict :return: 参照例子 >>> n.get_notice() [ { 'date': '2018-12-26', 'link': '', 'title': '【学生工作】学院2017级开展宿舍冬季安全教育工作' }, ... ] """ if self.dep not in get_support_dep(): raise DepartmentNotSupportedError("暂时不支持该部门!") dic = {} for d in SPIDER_CONFIG: if (self.dep == d['department_EN'] or self.dep == d['department_CN'])\ and d['type'] == '通知': dic = d break try: r = requests.get(dic['url']) r.encoding = dic['coding'] pattern = re.compile(dic['rule'], re.S) data_use = [] it = pattern.finditer(r.text) for i in it: data_use.append(i.groupdict()) for item_dict in data_use: item_dict['link'] = dic['url_main'] + item_dict['link'] = data_use except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError("网络连接超时!") = [] except Exception: raise Exception("未知错误!") = [] return
[文档]class News(BaseMessage): """ 校园新闻 :param str dep: 部门名称 :raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.DepartmentNotSupportedError` >>> n = News(dep='计算机科学学院') """ def __init__(self, dep): super().__init__(dep)
[文档] def get_count(self): """新闻条数 :rtype: int :return: 通知的条数 >>> n.get_count() 14 """ return len(
[文档] def get_news(self): """新闻的关键信息(标题,时间,链接) :raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.DepartmentNotSupportedError` :rtype: list of dict :return: 参照例子 >>> n.get_news() [ { 'date': '2018-12-26', 'link': '', 'title': '【学生工作】学院2017级开展宿舍冬季安全教育工作' }, ... ] """ if self.dep not in get_support_dep(): raise DepartmentNotSupportedError("暂时不支持该部门!") dic = {} for d in SPIDER_CONFIG: if (self.dep == d['department_EN'] or self.dep == d['department_CN'])\ and d['type'] == '新闻': dic = d break try: r = requests.get(dic['url']) r.encoding = dic['coding'] pattern = re.compile(dic['rule'], re.S) data_use = [] it = pattern.finditer(r.text) for i in it: data_use.append(i.groupdict()) for item_dict in data_use: item_dict['link'] = dic['url_main'] + item_dict['link'] = data_use except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError("网络连接超时!") = [] except Exception: raise Exception("未知错误!") = [] return
def get_support_dep(): """所支持的部门 :rtype: list :return: 所支持部门的名称的列表 >>> get_support_dep() ['生命科学学院', '新闻与传播学院', ...] """ ret = set() for dic in SPIDER_CONFIG: ret.add(dic['department_CN']) return list(ret) if __name__ == '__main__': print(get_support_dep()) for i in SPIDER_CONFIG: a = News(i["department_CN"]) a.get_news() print([0])