Created on Dec 5, 2018
@author: QiZhao
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from snnusdk.base import API
from snnusdk.exceptions import AuthenticationError, UnauthorizedError
from snnusdk.tool.Table import table_to_list
[文档]class Library(API):
:param str username: 用户名
:param str password: 密码
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.AuthenticationError`
>>> libiary = Library(username='B11111111', password='xxx')
class URLs:
HOST = "http://www.lib.snnu.edu.cn/"
LOGIN = HOST + 'centerlogin.do' # 登录
INFO = HOST + 'action.do?webid=w-l-mylib' # 信息
BORROW = HOST + 'action.do?webid=w-l-zjts' # 在借书籍
RESERVATION = HOST + 'action.do?webid=w-l-yyts' # 预约书籍
CASH = HOST + 'action.do?webid=w-l-xjsw' # 现金事务
LOCK = HOST + 'action.do?webid=w-l-gsjsz' # 挂失
UNLOCK = HOST + 'action.do?webid=w-l-jgjsz' # 解挂
BORROW_INFO = 'http://opac.snnu.edu.cn:8991/F?func=file&file_name=hold_shelf' # 预约到馆
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
[文档] def login(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.AuthenticationError`
data = {
'userid': self.username,
'password': self.password,
'提交': '登录',
res = self.post(url=self.URLs.LOGIN, data=data)
res.encoding = 'utf-8'
if '已登录' in res.text:
self.verify = True
elif '您输入的帐号或密码有误' in res.text:
raise AuthenticationError('您输入的帐号或密码有误')
raise AuthenticationError('未知错误')
[文档] def get_info(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.UnauthorizedError`
:rtype: dict
:return: 用户基本信息的字典
>>> library.get_info()
'帐号ID': '2016xxxxx',
'姓名': '张三',
'昵称': 'xx',
'登录次数': '123',
'状态': '正常'
if self.verify is False:
raise UnauthorizedError('您还没有登录!')
soup = self.get_soup(self.URLs.INFO)
table = soup.find(name='table', attrs={'class': 'dzjbzl'})
info = {}
for tr in table.select('tr'):
tds = tr.select('td')
key = str(tds[0].text)
value = str(tds[1].text)
info[key.rstrip(':')] = value
for f in soup.find_all(name='font'):
if f.has_attr('color'):
info['状态'] = f.text
return info
[文档] def get_borrowing_books(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.UnauthorizedError`
:rtype: list of dict
:return: 在借书籍列表
>>> library.get_borrowing_books()
'书名': '大学语文',
'作者': '张三',
'出版社': '中国xx出版社',
'分馆': '雁塔外借图书库',
'索书号': 'TP311',
'条码号': '123456789',
'应还日期': '2018-12-11 22:00'
if self.verify is False:
raise UnauthorizedError('您还没有登录!')
soup = self.get_soup(self.URLs.BORROW)
book_list = []
tables = soup.find_all(name='table', attrs={'class': 'borrows'})
for table in tables:
book = {}
divs = table.select_one('td').find_all(name='div')
book['书名'] = divs[0].select_one('a').text
for div in divs[1:]:
ls = div.text.split(':', maxsplit=2)
book[ls[0]] = ls[1]
return book_list
[文档] def get_reservation_books(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.UnauthorizedError`
:rtype: list of dict
:return: 预约书籍列表
>>> library.get_reservation_books()
'书名': '大学语文',
'作者': '张三',
'出版社': '中国xx出版社',
'取书地点': '长安总服务台',
'预约开始日期': '2018-12-01',
'预约失效日期': '2018-12-11'
if self.verify is False:
raise UnauthorizedError('您还没有登录!')
book_list = []
soup = self.get_soup(self.URLs.RESERVATION)
borrow_divs = soup.find_all(name='div', attrs={'class': 'borrows'})
for borrow_div in borrow_divs:
temp = {}
for div in borrow_div.find_all(name='div'):
class_value = div.get('class')[0]
if class_value == 'title':
temp['书名'] = div.text.split('、', 2)[1]
elif class_value == 'author':
temp['作者'], temp['出版社'] = div.text.split(' -- ')
elif class_value == 'qsdd':
temp['取书地点'] = div.text.split(':')[1]
elif class_value == 'yyrq':
temp['预约开始日期'] = div.text.split(':')[1]
elif class_value == 'yysxrq':
temp['预约失效日期'] = div.text.split(':')[1]
return book_list
[文档] def get_cash(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.UnauthorizedError`
:rtype: dict
:return: 参照例子
>>> library.get_cash()
'书名': '大学语文',
'作者': '张三',
'出版社': '中国xx出版社',
'数量': '-2.00',
'原因': '超期',
'状态': 'O'
if self.verify is False:
raise UnauthorizedError('您还没有登录!')
dic = {}
soup = self.get_soup(self.URLs.CASH)
div = soup.find(name='div', attrs={'id': 'b2_block'})
dic['总额'] = re.search('总额:([^\n]+)', div.text, re.S).group(1)
dic['明细'] = []
borrow_divs = soup.find_all(name='div', attrs={'class': 'borrows'})
for borrow_div in borrow_divs:
temp = {}
flag = False
for div in borrow_div.find_all(name='div'):
class_value = div.get('class')[0]
if class_value == 'title':
temp['书名'] = div.text.split('、', 2)[1]
elif class_value == 'author':
temp['作者'], temp['出版社'] = div.text.split(' -- ')
elif class_value == 'qsdd':
temp['数量'] = div.text.split(':')[1]
elif class_value == 'yyrq':
if not flag:
temp['原因'] = div.text.split(':')[1]
flag = True
temp['状态'] = div.text.split(':')[1]
return dic
[文档] def lock_lib_card(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.UnauthorizedError`
:rtype: dict
:return: 挂失借书证的结果
>>> library.lock_lib_card()
if self.verify is False:
raise UnauthorizedError('您还没有登录!')
r = self.get(url=self.URLs.LOCK)
if '挂失借书证成功' in r.text:
return {'success': True, 'msg': '挂失借书证成功'}
return {'success': False, 'msg': '挂失借书证失败'}
[文档] def unlock_lib_card(self):
:raise: :class:`snnusdk.exceptions.UnauthorizedError`
:rtype: dict
:return: 解挂借书证的结果
>>> library.unlock_lib_card()
if self.verify is False:
raise UnauthorizedError('您还没有登录!')
r = self.get(url=self.URLs.UNLOCK)
if '解挂借书证成功' in r.text:
return {'success': True, 'msg': '解挂借书证成功'}
return {'success': False, 'msg': '解挂借书证失败'}
[文档] @staticmethod
def get_borrow_info():
:rtype: dict
:return: 预约到馆信息的字典
>>> get_borrow_info()
'success': True,
'msg': '查询成功',
'result': [
'预约者': '张三',
'书名': 'C语言程序设计',
'著者': '李四',
'保留结束日期': '2018-12-06',
'单册分馆': '长安西密集库',
'取书地点': '雁塔总服务台'
ret = {}
r = requests.get(Library.URLs.BORROW_INFO)
r.encoding = 'utf-8'
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
table = soup.find(name='table', attrs={'summary': 'Script output'})
ls = table_to_list(table)
ret['success'] = True
ret['result'] = ls
ret['msg'] = '查询成功'
except Exception as e:
ret['success'] = False
ret['result'] = []
ret['msg'] = e.message
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
lib = Library('xx', 'xx')
# print(lib.get_info())
# print(lib.get_borrowing_books())